New Jersey Skeet Shooting Association Board of Directors Meeting – November 7 th , 2024 Attendees: President: Ed Amaty Jr. Vice President: Al DiGangi Secretary: Will Neate Treasurer: Howie Mann Chief Referee: Mason Palidar Meeting brought to order at 8.00pm Discussion: 2025 NJ Skeet Shoot Dates: - Pine Belt: No dates yet; pending trap dates. Potential for 3 shoots in 2025. Sourcing referees is a challenge. May need to pay and provide hotel - Ft Dix: Issues with cease fires; Can’t plan for them - Florham Park: Shoots submitted prior to NJ Skeet approval; Al to discuss with Geg. Florham Park shoots tentatively approved - State Shoot: Tentative dates: 5 th /6 th /7 th September; target having 45 shooters; need to solicit state shoot sponsorship. If we do it at Pine Belt perhaps we can provide lunch Finance: - $9942 in the bank; several checks outstanding; organization is in better shape than it was last year; Howie provided an overview of expenses Sponsorship: - June shoot: NJ Skeet will sponsor - For state championship we should consider selling spots on the t shirts. Plan to have patches, towels and t shirts; main prize preference for buckles vs ducks State Team: - Waiting to see who made the state team; need five people for a team New Jersey Skeet Shooting Association NSSA: - Owed $100; Howie will address. Next meeting date to be set for Jan/Feb Meeting was adjoined at 8.40pm |