September meeting minutes
New Jersey Skeet Shooting Association

Board of Directors Meeting – September 19 th , 2024 Attendees: President: Ed Amaty Jr. Vice President: Al DiGangi Secretary: Will Neate Treasurer: Howie Mann Chief Referee: Mason Palidar

Meeting brought to order at 8.10pm

President’s Report: - Welcome to Will Neate as new secretary - NJ Skeet Championship was very successful. Overall Champion was Ben Galioto with a score of 386. We had 30 participants. The championship had a positive $400 generated by the shoot. It was estimated that approximately $2500 in additional revenue would be needed for next year shoot based on this year’s numbers Discussion: 2025 NJ Skeet Championship: It was suggested that we should move the shoot around the state to optimize exposure of the shoot. Currently the Joint Base is not able to host. Pinebelt was suggested and all agreed that we would see if Pinebelt was willing to host the championship. Mason will follow up with the club and get back to the board.

HOF: Mason raised the topic that he had been asked about whether Jay Taylor qualified for the NJ HOF. Ed advised that the process etc for being considered is posted on the site. Question as to the length of tenure of his board membership was raised. Will review club records. NJ Skeet Championship 2024 Article: Al agreed he would work on it

New Jersey Skeet Shooting Association Next year’s dinner: possibly the Pinebelt refreshment stand would cater a lunch or food trucks. Each participant would get lunch instead of dinner. Mason would speak with Pinebelt staff and we can explore food trucks.

Schedules: Next year’s schedule was discussed. Florham Park’s registered shoots are the last Saturday of the month except May and August 3 rd

Meeting was adjoined at 9pm