Attending officers: Ed Amaty, President, National Director, CJRP Club Rep. Greg Khalaf, Secretary, Florham Park Club Rep. Mason Palidar, Chief Referee, Pinebelt Club Rep. Howard Mann, Treasurer. Club Reps and others present: James Garret Dick Lukasik Kevin Dawkins Meeting called to order at 10:10 AM Minutes from last meeting were accepted. Officer's reports: Howard Mann – treasurers report; Beginning balance was $7,114 Ending Balance after expenses is $6,148 Hall Of Fame inductions: A decision was made to honor pre hall of fame champion NJ shooters with a plaque containing their names, criteria and a landscape photograph of them to be provided by Tom Surman. Member Club updates: Dix - James Garret updated the status of the Range 14 skeet fields: All fields are currently closed. Some fields construction has begun. There is no completion date yet. CJRP - Prep for State Shoot: Help is needed to replace distance and out of bounds markers on fields – see Ed Amaty. Referees will be responsible for refilling machines during the shoot if no other assistance is available. Dinner Saturday will be served in the double trailer. Kevin will use existing software to run the shoot and anticipates no problems. The availability of a practice field depends on member usage on those days and is not guaranteed. Unfortunately CJ members will take precedence. FRPC – First shoot of 2023 was a success. April shoot is currently full with 15 shooters including a full 5 man squad from West Point. Pinebelt: The first shoot of 2023 is scheduled for May 13. Contact Mason to sign up. A proposed 2nd shoot is not yet scheduled. Russ is working on it. Referee Licensing: Mason is working on getting referee licenses for all referees before the State Championship. Ed will assist. A plaque will be ordered to honor Joe Madlinger for his first 100 straight in 28 gauge. Meeting adjourned a 11:20 AM Next meeting will be June 10 at Range 14 clubhouse at 10AM |