March 14, 2020 NJSSA Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Ed Amaty, second by Ben Galioto at 10:10am. Present at the meeting were Ben Galioto, Ed Amaty Leo Nebbia, James Garrett, Kevin Dawkins, Jay Taylor and Nick Pino. Treasurer’s Report. Acting Treasurer, Ben Galioto presented the current report. The account balance as of this meeting is $7866.74. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. Previous Meeting Minutes. Minutes from previous meeting were approved as read by motion from James Garrett, second by Ed Amaty. Open Discussion: 1) Status of State Shoot Program. As of this meeting, Ben Galioto has completed the program and is on scheduled to be mailed out end of June, beginning of July. 2) Championship Belt Buckle Status. The prizes for winners of each gun, HOA and runner up HOA shall be Belt Buckles 3) 2020 State Shoot Deposits. The officers discussed whether to eliminate deposits for this year’s State Shoot. It was decided that deposits will need to be mailed with the applications. Also, the following applies to applications with multiple shooters wishing to squad together: deposits cannot be combined under one check for multiple shooters. Each shooter will be required to write his/her own separate check in order to avoid unnecessary work and confusion at sign-up. All cancellations made prior to August 17, 2020 will receive a 100% refund to be mailed immediately upon cancellation. All cancellations made after August 17, 2020 will receive a refund, minus referee fees, for each event which will be mailed upon conclusion of the State Shoot. 4) 2020 State Shoot Gun Order. Based on the survey that Ben Galioto sent out and the results returned, the order of the gun rotation shall be as follows: Saturday, 12 gauge and 28 gauge; and Sunday shall be 20 gauge and 410 gauge. 5) 2020 State Shoot Dinner. It was decided by all in attendance to go with hoagie trays. Ben Galioto shall make the arrangements. Meeting was adjourned by Ben Galioto seconded by Ed Amaty at 10:59 AM. |