AMATY WINS C.J. CLUB CHANPIONSHIP BY EDDIE AMATY JR. In was a beautiful day at Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club in Jackson, N.J. Finally no longer a bridesmaid after 3 or 4 years being runner-up Ed Amaty wins a club championship!!!! It was a close championship it came down to the last round on the second flight of the 200 12 Gauge shoot. John Nichols and Eddie Amaty were neck and neck. John Nichols down one in the Last round and Eddie Amaty ran the back 50 to win the club championship by only one bird!!!! John great shooting, it kept everyone on their toes. Eddie Amaty won it with a 191, right behind Ed was John Nichols with a 190. Tony Horling won c class with a 180 and Marvin Bradford lost a coin toss and came in C-2. In D class Steve Weintraub won with a 185, Olin White right behind with a 185 and Joe Arieno with a 182. Nice to see Joe shooting a registered shoot. In E class Joe Sergewich won E class with a 169 and behind him was Carol Abernathy with a 167 and Hugh Johnson with a 156. Board of director Bryon Loyer shot the first 100, good to see Bryon on the skeet field! The first place prize was donated by Carol and Tom Abernathy it was a beautiful knife set, Tony Horling donated and Red Tailed Hawk statue it was really nice. Mike Hutman from Shore Points Distributors has been very generous with some great gifts I hand out to all the shooters. THANK YOU MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would also like to thank the Board of Directors from Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club for their donation of money for prizes and snacks. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |